Saturday 26 April 2014

My Allotment The First Year - The Honeymoon Period

          Overgrown and Unloved
       So much work so little time 

After getting over the initial shock of what awaited me and fighting the elements I started to get down and dirty.
Charging into the battlefield with what ever implements I could get my hands on  I raged war on weeds two men enter only one survive I was determined to be victorious, 
Cutting back a whole lot of crap and a few trips to tip later I was now able to assess just what I had to deal with.
 The removable of random        flowers,bushes and weeds


Hidden amongst the jungle I discovered various soft fruit including rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries (goosegogs if your welsh)
        Currants and Gooseberries 
               Strawberry Bed

The previous plot holder had left a shed there which provided welcome storage space which can be translated to lets fill it up like Tetris. Having a greenhouse would of course be beneficial to any potential grower. I was lucky enough to inherit one from my grampa not only did this save me money but also I had a bit of my grampa with me who sadly passed away I like to think he's watching over me nurturing my plants.

        Erecting the Taj Mahal 

Finally a place for my plants to grow and to shelter from the rain 

One of the crops planted was potatoes simple easy and also breaks up the soil 
As the season progressed as space and time was limited it meant once a space had been cleared and dug over it was then planted. Finally every thing was coming together.
I even started to make friends 

Thing were actually starting to grow 
Potatoes and lettuces 

Runner Beans

I was starting to reep the benefits by the end of the season not only did I take on an additional plot but also had successful harvest.

Produce 2011
Cucumber- 9
Chard-10 bunches 
Broad beans- 28lbs
Sweet corn- 4
Spring onions-53
Raspberries-13 1/2lbs
Black currant -8 1/4lbs 
Kidney beans- 60lbs 

My first year was pretty successful all things considered. It provided me with an excellent learning curve and hopefully this is illustrated in the progression I have made in the years since.
I will be sharing photos of the next couple of years with you all.

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