Thursday 24 April 2014

Good food = posh food ?

Why is it at some people  think that good food should only be reserved for the rich and the elite. Good food shouldn't be unattainable for anyone regardless of circumstance. Some food seems status symbol so how utterly wonderful that you are. 
The classic example are 4x4 driving yummy mummies parading around Waitrose clickety-clacking in their stiletto shoes, with daughters chlamydia and gonorrhoea hunting out the latest must have ingredients to make Nigella's badger ragu. Another guilty party of making these foods seem inaccessible to the normal person. Is the vapid one-dimensional multimillionaire Gywneth Paltrow bleating on about the wonderful life and how eating a purple carrot will make your life complete. Well evidently still maintaining the appearance of a constipated arsehole. 
My point is that these people further alienate people to enjoy good food as the supermarkets put the prices up to deal with the demands. More money does not go to the Farmer or producer only goes to line the pockets of the corporate CEOs. 
These foods did not suddenly aqquire magical powers or become more palatable just because nigella said so.
At the end of the day food is food in the matter who you are. 
Lifestyle advice is simple eat healthily, eat seasonally, eat local and exercise
 Many of these so-called super foods can be grown your self with very little effort and a fraction of the price.

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